pockkun's blog







There were two events on the other days that made me wonder if the subconscious mind is a search engine for my private use.
The first one is that I found out a book which I wanted to buy but I missed it due to relocation.
As I was going to purchase the book without memorizing the title, I could not find the book despite of using an on-line search system 
in the book store a few days later. 
Then I tried to find the book again as "The third time pays for all", I eventually caught it into my sight on the way to the corner where there may be the book. The place where I found the book was not one I never stopped by.

The second event was that a woman who I corresponded with two years ago with Facebook 
really encountered.
Although I did't talk to her on sight because I was afraid of mistaken identity, I could confirm that she was the right person by contacting her with FB messenger. The trigger I noticed was that my memory about her name and face on the profile, but I was really surprised the both of two years ago brought back to my mind in a moment.
The saying "Even a chance acquaintance is decreed by destiny" also came to my mind.
Just to tell you, She allowed me to become one of her friends on Facebook.

These two event made me notice a tip to utilize my subconscious mind. 
I am going to evaluate the idea and report the result to you as soon as it becomes available.